Years ago

NBL struggles

The NBL was perfectly positioned to be a league in one of the least effected countries of COVID-19 and the best placed season timeline having just finished when COVID-19 ramped up.

Yet NBL is in the worst position with players eyeing off countries in the opposite position.

What the f*** happened?

Topic #47200 | Report this topic

Years ago

They live in the real world not your delusional fantasy land where COVID-19 will magically disappear and have no ongoing economic impact.

Reply #804830 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Years ago

They simply jumped the gun too early. They had a lot longer to consider the options given the season start date later in the year.
I personally believe it was an over-correction response to the GF issues with Sydney but that's just me.

Reply #804831 | Report this post

Years ago

Other countries will be up and running sooner because unlike over cautious Australia they can live with a few people dying who were probably going to die soon anyway

Reply #804833 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm still at a loss as to how the decision was made, none of there main sponsors would be doing bad and no tv deal money was lost but it’s cut, cut. Unless LK is kicking in a lot more than he wants or the sponsors were not happy with there deals and thought it was a way out of contracts and pulled out, it’s all puzzling.

Reply #804839 | Report this post

Years ago

#833 just the most un-human comment ever.

Reply #804841 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, NBL has no TV money so rely on sponsorships and people going to the games. There are probably going to be rules on big crowds so that revenue source will drop.

Sponsorship dollars from corporate companies will also drop.

So if your two main revenue sources are going to drop, you have to cut salaries. That's just basic math.

Keep in mind that LK would've been putting his own hand in his pocket a lot in recent years but if he has also taken a financial hit, then the capacity to do that may also be reduced.

So it makes sense that salaries should be cut.

Also keep in mind that players opting out are exploring their options. There's no certainties yet, they could yet be back if they deem playing in the NBL is their best option.

Reply #804843 | Report this post

Years ago

There main sponsors, Bunnings, hungry jacks and chemist warehouse have been going very well throughout the shut down.

Reply #804853 | Report this post

A A Ron  
Years ago

#841, it's harshly stated but possibly correct. The Sweedish head medical professor for example has stated that Australia has done a great job stopping the spread of the virus, but painted itself into a corner in doing so, what now? because the virus will always circulate and you can't keep the borders closed for 30 years.

Reply #804858 | Report this post

A A Ron  
Years ago

Relating it to the topic, our league may be damaged more than anywhere else around the world because of our economy and financial situation of the league.

Reply #804860 | Report this post

Years ago

The league is in no worse shape than it has been.

Chickens are coming home to roost and the party is over

There is only so much fake it til you make it you can pull off.

Reply #804863 | Report this post

Years ago

The clubs lost many of their sources of off-season income but were still having to pay staff and players. It was either pay cuts of stand down players. They chose the best option in the circumstances. If things turn, they can still adapt the agreement with the players association.

Reply #804867 | Report this post

Years ago

"unlike over cautious Australia they can live with a few people dying who were probably going to die soon anyway“

Is that you Pusey? Or some other cipher?

Reply #804868 | Report this post

Years ago

How are the deriving sources in the off season that they have lost?

Reply #804871 | Report this post

Years ago

None of this really bothers me.
Hopefully we get to see all the dps and college aussiesand kiwis plus locals. Come back stronger following year.

I don't think euro players will be earning big money either, I expect salaries to drop also.

Reply #804879 | Report this post

Years ago

Multiple people have explained this before but I'll go again.

The NBL were never, repeat never in a good position to overcome this.

Firstly the NBL loses money. Owners put in a lot of their own coin and if you look at their business portfolios they have high exposure to the effects of Covid. Retail trusts, high end property development aimed at foreign buyers. All going to be hit hard.

Sponsorships will be down. A couple of sponsors may be doing well, but they won't be tipping more money into the NBL out of goodwill to make up the shortfalls from others. They have a duty to their shareholders to do what is in their best interests, why give more money to the NBL for the same and most likely less exposure.

Memberships will be down which is crucial funds coming in during the offseason.

And finally the NBL does not have money from a television deal to fall back on. This is a massive disadvantage compared to leagues around the world.

Revenue will drop by a lot. No one has a crystal ball to say if the NBL cut revenues too far or too little, time will tell.

Reply #804880 | Report this post

Years ago

Plenty of European leagues are going to struggle. Several countries about to go broke.

Reply #804882 | Report this post

Years ago

Being safe an earning half seems like a pretty fair deal to me for just 1 season.
The only country that will likely pay substantially more is the u.s andnothing is certain there.

Reply #804890 | Report this post

Years ago

So all the gun players Ware, Cotton, Kay are using their options because they think there going to get less money in Europe. Lol.

Reply #804896 | Report this post

Years ago

The struggle is real.

Reply #804899 | Report this post

Years ago

The league is in no worse shape than it has been.

Chickens are coming home to roost and the party is over

There is only so much fake it til you make it you can pull off.

I've always felt that a big part of LK's strategy was this - in saying that league and franchise valuations are for the most part subjective so it was a valid one.

What's surprising is after all of his incessant ranting about it Cram has disappeared rather than come on here to gloat.

Reply #804903 | Report this post

Years ago

If the NBL can get crowds in before NBL21 starts then I the feel the NBL will have some relief.

Once the virus calms down and there's a vaccine next year. I can see NBL22 going in the right direction.

Reply #804904 | Report this post

Years ago

"What's surprising is after all of his incessant ranting about it Cram has disappeared rather than come on here to gloat."

The NBL made a move that is financially responsible. Why would he gloat about that?

Reply #804905 | Report this post

Years ago

Australia has done well, and will rebound quicker than most countries, as many of our industries have not been hit too hard, and as a nation we are affluent enough that we can afford the government dolling out billions.

And yes, the NBL is well placed, because we can probably get our stadiums open before most countries.

What won't have changed is that the NBL relies on massive injections of cash from sponsors and generous owners. From a strictly financial sense, there will be less money to go around, so the league has acted by slashing salary costs. I don't see it as a bad move.
If income does drop by a corresponding amount, then they have done exactly the right thing, and the league will survive.
If income doesn't drop that much, then it will make live a little easier for the struggling teams, and maybe the Cats bank a little extra.

I think for the most part, Australians have adopted a "we're in this together attitude" and so we we will ear some inconveniences, and we will try to support our local businesses, and fans will try to support their teams.

And lets not forget, that there are a lot of us who support NBL AND AFL.
After enduring no footy or some bastardised short-season, we will be hungrier than ever for next season.

Reply #804909 | Report this post

Years ago


Sure I've missed a few

+ DPS with more game time

Might be a down year but will be good to see of these guys in nbl.

Reply #804911 | Report this post

Years ago

The league has no cash!

Owners all lost big money last year with full stadiums so based crowd numbers falling next year they'll loose even more money this combined with no TV revenue what did you expect?

Also a number of owners have suffered significant on paper losses in the share market and other non nbl investments so why prop up an NBL club thats a massive loosing venture when you need to focus on rebuilding wealth and getting through the Wuhan Flu fall out.

Reply #804920 | Report this post

Years ago

What is frustrating is that a team like Perth was in a position to pay it's players their contract, they didn’t need any measures To be put in place, yet they were forbidden from paying them their contract and as a result have lost two of the best players in the league and had the opportunity to truly challenge fro a three peat seemingly taken away. This should have been an option, not forced.

Reply #804923 | Report this post

Years ago


Exactly, just lower the bottom line of the cap, yes some teams would struggle but that's how sports are all over the world.

Sydney and Perth owners were fine, SEM is owned by nba players and Indian billionaire, NZ nba ex players, Brisbane as NZ, Illawarra will have a new local business man with Ball and his agent tipping in, they will be more financially better than ever, Adelaide , Cairns could struggle, and United who knows though you think they would be ok.

It doesn’t all look bad to me and the damage the bad press is bringing will take time to recover and get people back in stadiums.

Reply #804934 | Report this post

Years ago

So the NBL just tweeted that a total of 5 players have officially out - Cotton, Ware, Kay, Cooks, Hodgson.

The sky is definitely falling, the NBL is dead, it's pointless to even play without those 5 guys, etc etc.

Reply #804941 | Report this post

Years ago

I think euro teams are making big cuts also.

Reply #804943 | Report this post

Years ago

No one really knows yet re Europe, but signings are going ahead at full pace.

Reply #804952 | Report this post

Years ago

Teams with committed fans will be semi ok if they allow crowds, it will be the ones trying to attract the casual fan that will struggle. With Sydney they drew out all the bandwagoners, if they struggle they will lose crowds. Illawarra without Ball boosting overall numbers will struggle too. The economy taking a hit and not much money about will affect what casual fans do as well, as a family do they spend over $100 for a game or do they just have a stay at home night.
Next seasons quality will reduce, no disputing that, just have to go and support your team if you have the funds to do so. If every teams quality reduces then it evens itself out, might not have Cotton making ridiculous shots and taking over games, instead of OMG moments we might have FFS moments. We just have to survive this next season and the one after should hopefully correct itself back into being a quality league.

Reply #804953 | Report this post

Years ago

Really easy to be ok with this when your championship squad hasn't been ripped apart. I don’t know anyone who has been spoilt celebrate when for seemingly no reason that gets taken away.

Reply #804977 | Report this post

Years ago

Whilst it sucks to see Cotton & Kay go - I'm more in the I feel blessed to have seen them play not the despair for them going. Kay already had a Europe out clause in his contract so he was probably heading off anyway.

I'm also probably a little bit of an odd case in thinking that the NBL has done the right thing - consulted players early and have cut their cloth to provide some early clarity to smaller market teams of where they need to be come tip off.

From a Perth perspective - You don't make the playoffs continually without being a top class organisation and here's our challenge go out and do it again. If any club is going to make the most of a chaotic situation with a lot of free agents and very different import market - I'll back Perth in.

If Perth can't - then quite simply it is time to re-focus and get back up there as soon as possible.

Reply #804987 | Report this post

Years ago

Cotton and Kay go, that's Illawarra's salary cap right there.

Reply #804995 | Report this post

Years ago

Kay even said he out a European out. He was always leaving

Reply #804997 | Report this post

Years ago

He had already publicly confirmed he was staying. Then the league reduced salaries so he probably had a rethink.

Reply #805000 | Report this post

Years ago

lol typical Perth. He actually said "I don't see me leaving at this stage." so then the media of WA see it as "Im not leaving". So of course the red army then see it as "I love perf best culture rah rah here foe the next ten years and I'll take a massive pay cut cause we all play for the love of it and live off the tears of our enemies."

Reply #805068 | Report this post

Years ago

You say he publicly came out and said he wasn't leaving.
Then he publicly came out and said he always had a European out.
The media & wildcats always spin it to show WE DID EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO KEEP THEM. Always blaming someone else.

Don't be surprised if Trev leaves. They haven't recruited any good Aussies since Matt Nielsen left. Now he has to coach and develop - and has NO history of developing players.

Reply #805070 | Report this post

Years ago

Would it be a good time to have a contract or be out of contract at present? Thoughts ?

Reply #805078 | Report this post

Years ago

"So of course the red army then see it as "I love perf best culture rah rah here foe the next ten years and I'll take a massive pay cut cause we all play for the love of it and live off the tears of our enemies."

That was a totally normal and valid response. It doesn't sound like you have any major insecurity issues at all!

Reply #805082 | Report this post

Years ago

God the obsession with Perth continues.

Guess getting your arse kicked for 34 years will do that to you.

Reply #805092 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't be surprised if Trev leaves.

Yes, because obviously with no cut to his salary, Perth being the only team that can afford to pay him, and the rest of the word being a toxic virus-ridden shithole, Trev and Dawn can't wait to leave.
They haven't recruited any good Aussies since Matt Nielsen left.

They haven't needed to, he only left a year ago, and he was not responsible for recruiting.
Now he has to coach and develop

As opposed to what?
and has NO history of developing players.

Jervis, Hire, Vague, Lo Buluk, Travers, Pozogou, and Britt all say hi. Not to mention all the players that have improved under Trev's coaching.

So basically your theory is that Dr Jack is a moron, who made his billions by hiring muppets who just accidentality fell over and created a multi-billion dollar empire?
And that his lucky has continued into the NBL, accidentality winning 6 championships?

Well maybe it's like Napoleon said, he'd rather have Lucky Generals than Smart Generals.

Reply #805093 | Report this post

Years ago

For the person/people that keep saying that Gleeson doesn't develop players, tell us at what point during the last 7 years should have he stopped trying to win titles, and start developing players?

His job is to win, he's done that five times out of 7 - which coach would have done anything differently?

Reply #805096 | Report this post

Years ago

@ D2.0 are on you on drugs mate or you've been isolated by yourself for too long?
Greg Hire had over 80 games by the time Gleeson started coaching him, please tell me how he improved him?
The others you mentioned well, not sure what development i for you,but you're hysterical!
Lo Buluk, played 12 games in 2 years,one day he might turn into a great player, but not just yet.
Travers,yep, agree, very big talent, but please explain how you figure that Gleeson developed him, 7 minutes average (garbage time) in 4 games.
I have no idea who Pozogue is, say hello to that bloke when you're off your meds, but if you're talking about Pozoglue please check his bio, he played 2 years with Illawarra, he's 23, hardly a rookie (and he's averaging 4 minutes garbage minutes a game).
I give you Jervis, but let me remind you that he was hardly a Gleeson find,he was in the 'Cats training squad for years, also in 2011 in the Boomers training squad.
Gleeson is one of the best coaches around, his record speaks for itself, but he's never been a development coach.

Reply #805101 | Report this post

Years ago

Trev can't develop talent ....luckily he's our NBL Coach and not a WABL coach.

Perth will field a competitive team and Trev will whine and beeyatch his way to yet another competitive season.

Trev didn't develop Nick Kay from a youngster - however bet he isn't regretting what he did for him.

Reply #805102 | Report this post

Years ago

I have no idea who Pozogue is, say hello to that bloke when you're off your meds, but if you're talking about Pozoglue
If you're going to be an asshole about someone spelling a name incorrectly, it helps if you don't also spell it incorrectly.

It's Pozoglou.

Reply #805104 | Report this post

Years ago

Nielsen was the coach that put the finishing touches on Kay. Gleeson is by far the best coach in this league though, anyone who says different had better look at his results.

Reply #805107 | Report this post

Years ago

Kay's jump was this season when he attempted 60% more threes than last year yet also increased his percentage by 4%. Now he is a more complete scorer and ready for europe. Nielsen had nothing to do with him this season.

Reply #805115 | Report this post

Years ago

Boomers camp did him a lot of good

Reply #805119 | Report this post

Years ago

Put this in Cotton leaves as well, any answers ?

If Cottons wage is supposed to be 600g, wouldn't he be a marquee and so only 100g go towards the cap to allow the cats to only take 30% of his 600g.
You would think it's the same with Bogut, if not and he is getting the supposed million and his whole wage comes off the cap there would be only 400g left for the rest of the team.
This would be the same for all teams marquee players, Creek, Goulding, etc. and since teams are allowed two marquee at different levels of deductions on the cap, do the marquee players lose 50% of there wage or just the percentage that is allowed in the cap.

Reply #805132 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't even know where to start.

Cotton isn't eligible to be a marquee.
There is no rule that states teams can have two marquee players.
Cutting only the capped portion of the pay makes no sense whatsoever.

Reply #805139 | Report this post

Years ago

Clubs are allowed an Australian marquee and import as well.

Reply #805142 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #805175 | Report this post

Years ago

Explain the rules then instead of strutting about like you know it all. How many marquee and what is there percentage of the cap.

Reply #805180 | Report this post

Years ago

It's already been explained to you once, and the information has been publicly available for years now.

Reply #805184 | Report this post

Years ago

So the know all knows nothing.

Reply #805189 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok Barry.

Reply #805191 | Report this post

Years ago

Gleeson already in the media talking about not being able to get quality imports - no other team is crying as much. He knows he can't buy another championship next season.

Reply #805257 | Report this post

Years ago

Gets "blindsided" by the news of Cotton and Kay leaving - but suddenly has been up to date with agents. This guy has been gifted with money and now its an even playing field he is crapping his pants

Reply #805260 | Report this post

Years ago

"Gets "blindsided" by the news of Cotton and Kay leaving - but suddenly has been up to date with agents."

How are those two things supposed to be related?

Reply #805261 | Report this post

Years ago

I think he is trying to say that he doesn't know what is happening with his own team. But suddenly is up to speed with international players.

Must admit it did look rather silly in his presser when they asked him about Nick Kay, and he said he spoke to him a week ago and all was good, then the next day Nick Kay opts out. I can understand why Trev didn't do another presser after that.

Reply #805262 | Report this post

Years ago

Bevo spoke to nick Kay a day before he joined Perth and was assured he and Norton were both staying and were going to get the money put aside for Illawarra imports, you can see that worked out well.

Reply #805263 | Report this post

Years ago

Who's Kay’s agent?

Reply #805264 | Report this post

Years ago

If Perth are going to struggle to get quality imports you would think most other teams are in the same boat.

Reply #805266 | Report this post

Years ago

"I think he is trying to say that he doesn't know what is happening with his own team. But suddenly is up to speed with international players."

Again, how are the two things related?

"Must admit it did look rather silly in his presser"

You mean its Trevor's fault for the players changing their minds? You guys are really struggling to find reasons to criticise him.

Reply #805268 | Report this post

Years ago

If people can set aside the Perth hate for a second, if you replaces Gleeson with any other NBL coach, one could surmise that the responses from agents is reasonable.

If you go to a agent with Ware, Cotton, Kay calibre players and present $200k as your best offer, you will likely be told you cannot afford his players.

Isn't this what we all expected from the announcement of the cutbacks?

We can pretty much start expecting calls from agents of Nana Egwu, Keith Benson, Jordair Jett, Jaron Johnson, Ramone Moore and Jeremy Kendle.

Reply #805271 | Report this post

Years ago

If that's going to be the quality of imports better giving more Australians a go.

Reply #805273 | Report this post

Years ago

Australians like Daniel Trist, Venke Jois, Cody Ellis, Rhys Vague?

Reply #805276 | Report this post

Years ago

You picked some duds but there are some good players out there, just look at some DP that play and some reasonable talent in nbl1.

Reply #805282 | Report this post

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